Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Week 4 - Missed Trades

I have no trades today. 

Since I encountered a trading error yesterday, I banned myself from trading for a day or two (or for the whole week).

I missed these 2 stocks below.


1. $HVN

This stock wasn't even on my watchlist for week 4. But yesterday and today was just HAVEN. Both candles closed at ceiling price.
$HVN Daily Chart
Jan 23, 2018 - Tues

The setup is too simple: Just buy on 
ATH breakout.

Buying from 26.00 to 32.50 yesterday can give you +25.08% opportunity.
Buying from 26.00 to 48.75 yesterday can give you +87.62% opportunity.


Will let this pass. Will watch it and document it for future references.

Trade lesson:
- Keep a thorough watchlist over the weekend. Since I have no plan for this stock, It's okay.

2. $EMP

This is included in my week 4 watchlist.

My area of buying is simple, just the breakout at the 2 circled areas below:
$EMP Daily Chart
Jan 23, 2018 - Tues
But since I have work today and I was on a meeting, I missed this stock.

Didn't bother to chase since the price is high already (for me). Will watch it consolidate and wait for a good entry instead.

End of entry.

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