Sunday, February 18, 2018

Week 7 - Emotional Week

What an emotional week indeed. Here’s what happened to my Week 7:
  • On Monday, I'd let go of strong stocks for a greedy play: $POPI. Sold partially on $WLCON and sold all $PIZZA for $POPI trade. On Tuesday, I entered $POPI again, anticipating for another run. But of course did not happen. No wins for $POPI.
  • Traded $NOW on Tuesday, good entry at EOD, but the exit was a bit early. Sold it in the morning of Wed and sold it at strength. Overall $NOW trade gave me +10% port increase.
    • Lesson for $NOW: 
      • The best decision to sell positions is in the afternoon. Particularly 2pm / 2:30pm/ 3pm onwards. Be contented with the gain and overcome the feeling of being left out. There are a lot of things to be thankful for.
  • Error trade on $PXP. Perhaps this trade was due to mixed emotions: got FOMO with $NOW since I sold too early, plus I put too much volume on this trade. I even sold my remaining $WLCON position thinking that this stock will go fast. Probably my biggest port allocation this 2018 at Php65.2k. Expecting a strong close, at the ceiling, but did not. Ended up cutting near the close. Total port damage is -4.39%. This is the biggest port loss next to my $ATN trade (-4.00%). 
    • Lesson for $PXP: 
      • Since the setup and parameters are acceptable, it's okay to buy as long as the allocation is controlled. Do not put too much allocation right away. Do not buy big chunks too early. The best decision again to buy is near the closing. Overcome the FOMO and do not be Superman.

Emotions for this week:
  • Too much greed.
  • Too much excitement.
  • Superman syndrome. 

Total trades bought: 5 trades
Total trades sold: 6 trades
Open position: 1 stock

$NOW Buy/Sell Transactions:

$PXP Buy/Sell Transactions:

Feb 15 Day Change:
-5,294.61 Day Change
Due to $PXP error trade

End of week 7 port snap:

Still holding to 1 stock bought since Feb 1. 

More to follow.


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